When you have nothing, everything is important



Comfort Cases UK works to inspire communities to bring dignity and hope to children and young people in the care system by providing essential items of comfort and necessity to those in need. 


Every year, 36,000 new children enter the care system. That’s one child every 15 minutes. 

These children often move homes multiple times a year and under emergency circumstances, with a little more than the clothes on their backs.

Comfort Cases UK provides children entering the care system with a bag of bespoke belongings (comfort cases) they can call their own when they have been removed from everything and everyone they know. Filled with essential and comforting items such as, books, PJs, toiletries, soft toys, blankets and even SIM cards for older children.

Four out of five children report their treasured belongings are shoved in bin bags when they move from home to home – risking precious memories being lost or damaged. Comfort Cases are invaluable and offer far more than just the items inside – they offer a sense of belonging, safety and security to children when everything is crumbling around them.

Comfort Cases UK volunteers fill the rucksacks with essential items of comfort and necessity and the charity works with over 100 local authority teams, organisations, NHS trusts and residential care homes to distribute the rucksacks to those in need within local communities.

107,317 children in the UK are currently in care


“Comfort Cases not only provides the practical belongings that can make a difference to a child, it provides a message of nurturing care; that ‘you matter’. And that is the essential message our children need and deserve. That is the message our children need to not only survive but to thrive.”


We at Comfort Cases UK work with Local Authorities, Independent Foster Agencies, National and Regional Associations and Charities to provide children with Comfort Cases at the point at which they enter their new home, whether it be temporary, emergency or permanent.

Famous Former Foster

Bet you didn’t know that these famous people were famous former foster!

Photo Credit: Wikipedia and Rotten Tomatoes

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Please do get in touch today to find out how you can support Comfort Cases UK and support a child in foster care today.


Copyright © 2023 Comfort Cases UK is a charity registered in England & Wales | All Rights Reserved | Charity Number 1196357 | Registered Address: 23 Ribston Close, Shenley, WD7 9JW, United Kingdom